Monday, September 26, 2011

Mr.Olympia 2011 Result

It was a tough competition between the teacher and the student. I referred Jay Cutler and Phil Heath.
Finally the student won the Mr.Olympia 2011 Sandow trophy. Please find below the competitors' placings.

1. Phil Heath
2. Jay Cutler
3. Kai Greene
4. Victor Martinez
5. Dennis Wolf
6. Dexter Jackson
7. Toney Freeman
8. Brandon Curry
9. Ronny Rockel
10. Hidetada Yamagishi.

Olympia Debut: Brandon Curry.

Congratulations to all the competitors.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Branch Warren wins 2011 Arnold Classic Title

Dear all,

Branch Warren wins 2011 Arnold Classic title. Dennis Wolf placed Second and Victor Martinez placed third.

Please find below the results.

1. Branch Warren
2. Dennis Wolf
3. Victor Martinez
4. Evan Cenetopani
5. Dexter Jackson
6. Ronny Rockel
Ben Pakulski
Essa Ibrahim Hassan Obaid
Fouad Abiad
Johnnie Jackson
Robert Piotrkowicz
Roelly Winklar
Sergey Shelestov
Toney Freeman

Congratulations to the winners and all the best to everybody for their Olympia preparations.

Citizen, India

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Triceps workouts for Size

Dear all,

Since i am a hard gainer, I've been researching on workouts which puts on more size to your body parts and at the same time with quality muscle.

From my experiment. i have found that the following triceps workout routine suits well for me to put on size to my overall triceps muscle.

Workout 1:

Close Grip Bench Presses:

I'll start my triceps routine with close grip bench press workout.

Targeted Muscle: Triceps Long, Medial, and lateral.
Equipment Used: Smith machine
Sets: 1 Warm up set followed by three working sets.
Spotter: must.

Workout 2:

Triceps Pull Down:

The second workout is triceps pull down with bent rod or with rope. I usually prefers rods. This wokout can be performed in two ways. One, with elbows pointed out and second with elbows parallel to your body.

The former works well on your outer head i.e long head of your triceps muscle while the latter works well on your long head and lateral head of your triceps as well.

Targeted Muscle: Long Head, Lateral Head.
Equipment used: Hammer Strength rope extension machine.
Sets : 1 warm up sets and 3 working set.
Spotter: Not necessary.

Workout 3:

Lying E-Z bar curls:

The last workout well be lying E-Z bar curls or commonly called as "Skull Crushers". This is the second best finisher workout for your triceps. Always dumbbells kickbacks takes the first place.

Targeted Muscle: Three Heads.
Equipment used: Bench with E-z Bar.
Sets 1 warm up sets with 3 heavy sets.
Spotter: Needed for last set.

p.s: Last set i always go for low reps with heavy weights.

Give a try to the above workout routine and see the difference. Give enough rest to your body. Diet properly and see the results.

All the Best

Citizen, India.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dextrose, Fructose, Glucose

Dear all,

You all might have heard about the post workout carbohydrates sources such as Dextrose, fructose and Glucose. I've read an article which explains the differences between those sources.

Hope this will be useful to you all.

Dextrose, fructose, and glucose are all monosaccharides, known as simple sugars. These sugars can combine to form more complex sugars, including the disaccharide known as sucrose, or table sugar. The primary differences between these sugars have to do with the ways in which they are metabolized by the body, and they all play important roles in body function.

Fructose is an extremely sweet sugar which is found in many fruits. The flavor is sometimes intensely cloying, as anyone who has eaten an overripe piece of fruit knows, and it is believed to be the most sweet of the naturally occurring sugars. Fructose can also be obtained through the breakdown of sucrose, which is made from linked fructose and glucose molecules. Fructose has a low glycemic index, which means that it takes a long time for the body to break down, resulting in a slow release of sugar, rather than a sudden rush. For this reason, it is sometimes recommended for diabetics.

Dextrose is simply a form of glucose. Some food packagers like to use "dextrose" on their packaging instead of "glucose" because they believe that people have negative associations with glucose. This sugar is extremely abundant in nature, and it can be found in numerous plant and animal tissues, often along with other sugars such as fructose. The body relies on glucose for energy, using this sugar to power cells. When people measure their blood sugar, they are actually measuring the amount of dissolved glucose in the blood.

The molecular formula for glucose/dextrose and fructose is actually the same. Both sugars are considered to be hexoses, meaning that they have six carbon atoms attached to 12 hydrogen atoms and six oxygen atoms. The differing ways in which molecules can be attached cause various hexoses to behave differently, creating different chemical compounds which lend the hexoses some distinct properties.

Glucose is what is known as an aldohexose, meaning that it contains a compound called an aldehyde, located at the first position in the molecule. Aldehydes have a carbon atom which is attached to a hydrogen atom and also double bonded to an oxygen atom. Fructose, on the other hand, is a ketohexose, containing a ketone which consists of a single carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen atom. The ketone in fructose is attached to the second position in the molecule. Ketones play an important role in biochemistry.

The simple structures of these sugars allow them to be linked in a number of different ways to other molecules, creating more complex sugars which will behave differently in the body and generating some extremely unwieldy chemical formulas. For consumers, the important thing to remember is that labels which say "dextrose" really mean "glucose."



Citizen, India

Monday, December 6, 2010

Is drinking cold water after your meal causes any problem??

Dear all,

Is drinking cold water after your meal causes any problem??

Please read below the article from by Jonte Rhodes.

There are several things that should be considered before you drink cold water immediately after meals. To call them a danger are something of an overstatement, however they can be quite uncomfortable and eve painful in some cases, and so should be avoided. The main problems tend to be that cold water can change the state of things that you have eaten, and can react with them to make them harder to digest, which can cause indigestion.

When we eat things which are liquid when hot but will solidify when cooled down, such as butter or some cheeses. Drinking cold water immediately afterwords can cause them to become solid again in the stomach, and become harder to digest. Normally when we eat these things the temperature in the stomach is enough to keep them in at least a semi liquid start long enough for them to be broken down. This then means that they can soon leave the stomach and pass through the rest of the digestive system to be converted into energy.

If the foods we have eaten solidify again in the stomach then they take longer to digest and can bring about indigestion and even acid reflux in some cases. Having a lot more water than normal in the stomach also means that the stomach acids used to break down the foods that we eat are diluted, and so take much longer than normal to work. This can leave you feeling tired and sluggish after you have eaten, which can tend to slow you down for a few hours.

Drinking very cold water can also cause pain to those with sensitive teeth, or who suffer from frequent headaches or migraines. Migraines in particular can sometimes be brought about by consuming something too cold for the body to comfortably process. Drinking a lot of water after a meal can also cause you to feel very bloated and can cause stomach aches. This is because some food expands when immersed in water. This then stretches the stomach and causes us pain. This is prolonged as well because a high water presence means that the stomach takes longer to break down its contents.

In terms of evolution the human stomach is designed to consume food at similar temperatures to our own body temperature. This means that things that are extremely hot or cold means extra work for them to be digested, Similarly when we eat very spicy food, it is a lot harder to break down correctly and in some people can cause diarrhea. This is because most people aren't used to eating them. this is similar to the strain that the body is put under when we eat things that are very hot or cold temperature wise as well.

The best thing to do is to drink with a meal rather then immediately after it. This also means we will tend to eat less food because some of the space in the stomach is used up by the water. And drinking room temperature rather then very cold water is better for digestion as well.

If anybody come across or knows bits and pieces of information related to this topic, kindly put forth your points which will definitely help others by all means.

Thanks to my friend who gave me this piece of information.

Citizen, India

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mr.Olympia 2010 Results

Dear all,

Mr.Olympia 2010 is completed and results are published.

Jay Cutler won this year's Olympia Sandow. This year he striked again the stage with his awesome physique. This is his fourth win.

Phil Heath completed the Olympia with Second spot. A well deserved win for him. He came very close to Cutler but Jay edged him out with his massive physique.

Branch Warren who won second spot in 2009 Mr. Olympia pushed to third spot.

Dexter Jackson pushed to fourth spot. He looked really big comparing to his previous contests.

A really good come back for Dennis Wolf. He finished the contest with fifth spot.

Ronny Rockel finally achieved his dream of coming in top six. He attained sixth spot and his hard work really deserves him the spot.

I was really disappointed with Kai Greene's form. Eventhough he looked really big in this year's contest, he failed in his sharpness. His abs looked really pathetic and he came with very smooth delts. Hope Oscar Arden learnt something from this contest and will work to correct it in future year.

1. JAY CUTLER 4 Time Mr. Olympia!!!
2. Phil Heath
3. Branch Warren
4. Dexter Jackson
5. Dennis Wolf
6. Ronny Rockel
7. Kai Greene - Disappointment
8. Victor Martinez

9. Toney Freeman
10. Hidetada Yamagishi

Congratulations Jay!!!! and Phil!!!!!!

Hope Kai will work for his better comeback in 2011.

Citizen, India

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mass Mass Mass

Dear all,

Recently i've read an article by Hugo Rivera - ISSA certified fitness trainer, about some of the training principles which we need to follow while we are in mass building phase. I hope this will be useful for you all. This article will especially be helpful for hardgainers.

1. Sessions should be short: 60 minutes maximum:
The maximum amount of time a weight training session should last is 60 minutes. After 60 minutes the levels of muscle building hormones like growth hormone and testosterone begin to drop. In addition, the stored carbohydrates in your muscle cells and liver, glycogen, which is the fuel that your muscles use to contract, is depleted. If you weight train more than 60 minutes you will actually be wasting your time since you will no longer have the hormones or the fuel necessary to produce muscle growth. Continue to train past 60 minutes and you will get impaired recovery which leads to overtraining, a condition where your body does not recover from its weight training sessions. This leads to loss of strength and muscle mass.

2. The rest between sets should be kept to a minimum; 90 seconds or less:
Keeping your rest time in between sets and exercises to a minimum not only allows you to perform a prodigious amount of work within the 60-minute weight training window, but it also helps improve your cardiovascular system and most importantly maximizes the output of growth hormone; a powerful fat burning/muscle building hormone. Also, this rest interval promotes a muscle voluminizing effect in which water goes inside the muscle cells (not outside) and makes the muscles look more firm and toned. Do not confuse this with water retention outside of the muscle cells, which is what makes us look puffy and fat.

3. Weight Training Exercise should not be performed for more than two days in a row:
This is something that is very important for hardgainers. While most endomorphs can recover from a six-day per week training split, most hardgainers have a difficulty recovering from more than four sessions per week. The reason for this is because their nervous system gets very taxed after two days of high intensity weight training, so continuing to train past two days will lead to a depressed nervous system; something that in turn will prevent the body from being able to recruit the maximum amount of muscle fibers in order to perform a lift. In addition, with a constantly depressed nervous system, strength gains not only become impossible to come by, but also to keep; so as a result you could see your strength diminishing.

4. Sets of each exercise should consist of a range of 6-15 repetitions:
There are many reasons for this. First and foremost, it has been shown that it is within this range that growth hormone output is maximized. As we already know, this is a good thing since this hormone does exactly what we are looking for (it increases muscle and decreases body fat). In addition, since you are performing so many repetitions, you get a great pump (blood rushing into the muscle) that provides nutrients to nourish muscle cells and helps them recover and rebuild faster. Finally, performing 6-15 repetitions reduces the possibility of injury dramatically since you will need to use a weight that you can control in order to perform the prescribed amount of reps. (Note: This rule does not apply to the calves and abdominals as these muscles usually respond better to higher repetition ranges, in the order of 13-15 reps).

5. Training must be progressive:
Progression means one more repetition than the last time the exercise was performed or a little bit more weight if you are able to do more than 15 repetitions for a particular exercise. It is important to understand that you will not be able to increase weight or the number of repetitions every session. However, progression comes in many forms; like performing more work within the 60-minute period. The overall goal of a training routine is to ensure progression over a period of time to bring about continuous improvements in muscle tone and definition.

6. Training must be varied:
This principle is vital to ensure continuous gains in strength and muscle tone as well as to prevent boredom. Variation does not necessarily mean changing all of the exercises in your program. Variation can occur in the form of using different techniques to stimulate the muscle, changing repetition and set parameters, and even changing the rest in between sets and something as simple as changing the width of your grip placement on the bar to help isolate specific muscles. As you will soon see, in this program you will alternate between three-week periods of high volume work with three-week periods of higher intensity (heavier weights) work. In this manner, the body is stressed in a manner that allows for maximum growth stimulus. If you were to perform the same lifting routine day in and day out, the result would be staleness as a routine only works for as long as it takes the body to get used to (adapt) it.

7. The form in which you perform an exercise should be impeccable:
This is one of those things that most lifters, especially male lifters, have a problem with. By letting the ego take control, many lifters concentrate on ever increasing the weight without regards to exercise form. Not only can this practice seriously injure the muscle group being worked on, requiring surgery as a result in certain instances, but also it prevents the proper stimulation of the muscle group being worked. The reason for this is that when doing less than perfect form, other muscles come into play, taking away as a result some of the load from the muscle that you are supposed to be targeting. This practice will slow down growth and get you injured so please pay attention to exercise form.

8. Aerobic exercise and outside activities should be minimized:
I am not anti-aerobics by any means. I love to perform aerobics by walking, riding a bike and other suitable activities in order to keep the cardiovascular system in good shape. However, what I am saying is that in order for the hardgainer to maximize results in muscle mass, aerobic activity and other outside activities such as sports like basketball or soccer, which involve a high degree of activity, need to be minimized. The reason for this is again nervous system recovery and also the fact that the hardgainer has a super fast metabolism. By performing too much caloric burning activities you will make it harder on yourself to gain muscle as you will need more calories than what is recommended in this book in order to cover your energy needs and those require by muscle growth. In this book, we will limit cardiovascular activity to a couple of times per week from 15 minutes to no more than 25.

9. Training must consist primarily of free weight basic exercises:
Only free weight basic exercises provide the fast results you are looking for because they recruit the most muscle while you are performing them. Besides, the body is designed to be in a three dimensional universe. Whenever you use a machine you limit your body to a two-dimensional universe and consequently you limit the amount of muscle fibers that are going to do work. Not all machines are bad however. Some definitely have a place in our weight-training program because they allow us to isolate the muscle in a way that no free weights would allow us to do. However, our program should be mostly based on barbell, dumbbell and exercises where the body moves through space such as the dip, the pull-up and the squat. In the sections below, we will cover in more detail which exercises are the best for muscle gains and the reasons behind it.

Author: Hugo A. Rivera

Citizen, India.